The Wool Shop Wolverhampton
For all your knitting needs


K: knit  P: purl  S1: slip next st onto right hand needle without knitting

PSSO: Lift slipped stitch over the sts just worked

B&T: Break off yarn and thread it through the sts on the needle; take the sts off the needle and pull the end of the yarn up tightly to pull the sts together

C3F: Place next 2 sts onto a cable needle and hold in front of work. Purl next st on left hand needle, then knit 2 sts from cable needle.

C3B: Place next st onto a cable needle and hold at back of work. Knit next 2 sts on left hand needle, then purl st from cable needle

C4: Place next 2 sts onto a cable needle and hold at front of work. Knit next 2 sts on left hand needle, then knit 2 sts from cable needle.



1 x 100g ball King Cole Magnum Chunky or Magnum Multi Chunky

1 x pair each of 7mm and 8mm knitting needles

1 x cable needle



12 sts and 16 rows to 10 cm (4”) over stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl) using 8mm needles

Finished size will fit an average sized head (adult)


Chunky Cable Hat Pattern

The Pattern:


Using 7 mm needles, cast on 60 sts

1st row: K3; (P2, K2) to last st, K1

2nd row: K1; (P2, K2) to last 3 sts; P2, K1

3rd row: as 1st row

4th row: as 2nd row

Change to 8mm needles and continue:

5th row: K1; (C3F, C3B, P2, K2, P2) to last 11 sts; C3F, C3B, P2, K3

6th row: K1; (P2, K3, P4, K3) to last 11 sts; P2, K3, P4, K2

7th row: K1, P1; (C4, P3, K2, P3) to last 10 sts; C4, P3, K3

8th row: as 6th row

9th row: K1; (C3B, C3F, P2, K2, P2) to last 11 sts; C3B, C3F, P2, K3

10th row: as 2nd row

Repeat rows 1 – 10 once, then rows 1 – 4

25th row: K1; (C3F, C3B, P2tog, K2, P2tog) to last 11 sts; C3F, C3B, P2tog, K3 [51sts]

26th row: K1; (P2, K2, P4, K2) to end

27th row: K1, P1; (C4, P2, K2tog, P2) to last 9 sts; C4, P2, K2tog, K1 [46 sts]

28th row: K1; (P1, K2, P4, K2) to end

29th row: K1; (C3F, C3B, S1, P2tog, PSSO) to last 9 sts; C3F, C3B, P2tog, K1 [37 sts]

30th row: K2; (P2, K2, P2, K1) to last st, K1

31st row: K1; (K2tog, P2tog, K2 tog, P1) to last st, K1 [22 sts]

32nd row: P2 tog across the row [11 sts]

B&T Sew the side seams together.

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